

Any Gwinnett County Public Schools student currently enrolled in a GCPS local school orchestra or band program for an entire year is eligible to audition for membership in the GCPS Honor Orchestra Program. Kendall or GCYS students who fail to meet their commitment for the whole season are not eligible to audition for either Gwinnett County Honor Orchestra the following year.

Small String Ensemble with Teacher


Each orchestra member must audition every year. Auditions for the Honor Orchestra Program will be held each year in late August. Audition forms will be distributed to the GCPS orchestra faculty at the August planning meeting prior to the opening of the school. A schedule will be determined from these forms and provided to teachers in a timely manner. The audition is a blind audition adjudicated by two-member panels consisting of the conductors, the GCPS orchestra faculty and, if needed, private studio teachers. Upon the discretion of the conductors, the panels may audition by orchestra or by upper and lower strings for both orchestras. Seating within sections will result from audition scores and at the discretion of the conductors.

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Student playing the violin